News from UCC

Handicap Parking available on Erie Avenue and Park Street. Elevator available in front of church on Erie Avenue, to the left of front doors.

God is Still Speaking
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From UCC
Welcome, and thank you for visiting Trinity United Church of Christ online. We hope that our website highlights our worship, fellowship and service to our community. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbor.
As you approach our church building you see a triangle on the steeple of the church. This very old sign speaks volumes about who we are in here. We believe in the Trinitarian God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father is the Will, The Son is the creating Word and the Spirit is the power that makes the Will and the Word alive.
It maybe looks like a hard concept, but Sunday by Sunday at the Worship Service and at the Bible Studies we are gathering to try to understand what this Trinitarian God wants with our lives, how we will be able to fulfill our calling. We are called to be the ambassadors of Christ, to spread the Good News. What a privilege that is! What a promise!
If you feel down- hearted, alone; if you feel no one listens to your problems, or if you just simply want to be in good company, COME! No matter where you are coming from, no matter what you bring, come and find a family for yourself.
Who we are at Trinity
We put others needs before our own. Our doors are open to ALL, the poor and the wealthy, all races and genders, the weary or the family looking for guidance. For when they enter, may we show the teachings of Jesus Christ, not with our words but with our actions as good, honest, caring human beings and Christians. We are small but we are mighty with the Lord Jesus Christ as our driving force and guide to a brighter future.

Worship and Sunday School
Services are held in the Sanctuary, please enter from Erie Avenue where you will be greeted by a Church member.
Sunday Morning services are at 10:30 AM.
There are also Nursery services available during the Worship service, if you are able, please call during the week so that a member will be ready for your child/children.
Followed by Fellowship Coffee hour,
where the members sit and chat
and reconnect with one another.
Sunday School: 9 am
September to May
Any additional services will be announced on our notice board, on our website and our Facebook page.
Latest Pictures
Check out pictures of our Art Classes, Fundraisers, Graduates, Spirit of Gowanda Winners, Camping trips, Fall Fest, Gowanda Spirit Parade and Spaghetti Dinner
Community Meal
Trinity Talent Classes
​Our Calendar